Toward Automated Stylistic Transformation of Natural Language Text

  1. 1. Foaad Khosmood

    University of California, Santa Cruz

  2. 2. Robert Levinson

    University of California, Santa Cruz

Work text
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Style is an integral part of natural language in written,
spoken or machine generated forms. Humans have
been dealing with style in language since the beginnings
of language itself. Almost everyone who is capable of
reading and writing, or even just hearing and speaking,
routinely identifies and employs different variations of
language in daily life. We easily recognize distinct styles
of language and can produce our own in multiple variations
depending on the context. Computers, however, are
not yet capable of anything that sophisticated.
Automatic processing of text styles poses two interrelated
challenges: classification and transformation. There
have been some recent advances in corpus classification,
automatic clustering and authorship attribution of
text using a variety of features and techniques [1][9][19]
[20][21][24][34]. Integral to each approach is a feature
set to be extracted (such as n-grams or vocabulary set),
and a learning algorithm (such as neural nets or Bayesian
methods), to analyze and label the corpora. Project
JGAAP [17] has gone one step further and tried to combine
and modularize a variety of different classification
methods in a standard library.
In contrast to classification; very little research work
is available on style transformation. We, can, however
study some conceptually adjacent research areas such
as natural language generation (NLG) [13][23][26][30],
computational linguistics [10], literary studies, stylistics
[2][3][6][7][11][28][33], writing assistants [14][15] and
machine translation (MT) [8]. In fact, our problem could
be likened to statistical machine translation (SMT), except
that instead of translating from one language to
another, we aim to transform between two styles of the
same language. But unlike SMT problems, we do not
have the luxury of large pre-existing associative databases
such as dictionaries.
Having studies various views and controversies on the concepts of style and stylistics within humanities and
linguistics fields, we settle on a definition of style, “as
option” and a conscious choice, provided by Walpole
[33]. We aim to study natural language styles by building
an intelligent, modular and user-friendly system which
is capable of making use of a variety of algorithms and
methods in order to classify and transform pieces of
written text. In this paper we discuss some background
work and definitions, and then we present the overall
designs for a classification/transformation system. We
demonstrate the concept by showing a detectable stylistic
shift in a sample piece of text relative to a profiled
corpus representing the target style.
Foundational Assumptions
We make a number of simple assumptions which some
others have also made in relevant literature. The most basic
one is that style can be captured (in a relative sense)
using an unbounded set of style markers that can be detected.
This assumption allows us to build digital profiles
of text around the presence and properties of style markers.
A measurable reading of these markers also helps
guide style transformation algorithms. We observe that
automated rewriting of some parts of the text using some
rule-driven rewrite algorithms, can change the statistical
style signature of the text and objectively bring it closer
to or take further away from a given target corpus signature.
To take a trivial example, we imagine a body of text
written in modern English and we wish to transform it to
Shakespearian (early modern) English. One step among
many that would have to be taken would be to transform
all modern pronouns to their equivalent early modern
ones, such as “you” to “thou”, and “your” to “thine”.
This transformation generates a new text which is statistically
speaking, closer to the early modern target. Deriving
the statistical distance is essentially the same thing as
classifying the source text.
Thus, AI system, given text manipulation rules (what we
call operators and transforms) and sets of styles to be detected
(made up of style makers) should be able to plan a
series of operations to manipulate a source text such that
it would become as close as practical to a target corpus
Style classification and transformation have numerous
applications in information retrieval (IR), natural
language processing (NLP), human computer interaction
(HCI), and interactive entertainment. Robust style
classification can lead to an entirely new dimension in
searching. Not only are new search parameters such as
style markers and related tolerance levels possible, but
search systems could adopt style searching based on
example of an input text. Style comparison techniques
could provide for more robust and descriptive plagiarism
detection and digital forensics. Individuals, too, can
use style transformation software to obfuscate and alter
their own style of writing for online privacy reasons. In
HCI, richer and more customizable user help interfaces
are possible. Texts for such interfaces could gradually
adapt to a particular user’s style and facilitate easier understanding.
NLG systems such as [13][14][23][26][30]
already incorporate some level of style (a high level in
case of psychology based [26]) in their generation work,
but could enhance their stylistic variability with text-totext
style transformations. In MT [8], automatic style
processing could lead to better and more precise translations.
Writers and satirists could use style processing
to help compose language in deliberate and memorable
styles. In interactive entertainment [5], authoring tools
for generating game narratives and non-player character
(NPC) dialogue could be made much richer, more diverse
and more nuanced without significantly increasing
a human composer’s burden.
Overview of the Style Recognition and
Transformation System The design for our system consists of three major components
as shown in Fig. 1. For classification, the system
can store marker statistics for all analyzed corpora and it
can find closest matches among those for a given source
text. For transformation, first the target corpus, typically
made of many documents and the source text are both
analyzed in terms of the presence of all or a subset of
style markers. The system then performs a comparison
between the source and target styles, calculates a stylistic
distance. The Evaluator decides whether the comparison
has yielded a match within pre-defined fuzzy boundaries.
If not, the system chooses a transform consisting of
one or more operators to apply to the source text in order
to do modifications. Once the modifications are done,
another comparison is made and if the styles are thought to be still too far apart, more transforms are chosen and
applied until the system gets as closest possible to the
source style, or if no more transforms are applicable in
which case the latest version of the source becomes a
“best effort” result of the transformation.
Classification-Transformation Loop
Two databases denoted by cylinders in Fig. 1 symbolize
the initial inputs into the system. The ideal situation is if
the system already possesses all possible linguistic style
markers, and all possible transforms. However, no such
comprehensive list exists nor are we likely to construct
it. We can begin with a carefully chosen superset of style
markers taken from the text classification literature that
we have examined but we will surely have to expand it.
Similarly, a number of algorithmic text paraphrasing and
reformulation rules exist that we can utilize as an initial
set of operators. Rather than trying to come up with a
huge comprehensive database of markers and transformers,
we propose to evolve the list organically as needed
during the system development. This is done by a workflow
process we call the Classification-Transformation
(CT) loop (fig. 2). classes: Shakespeare as target and New York Times as
source. Initially, the classification problem could be very
simple, only relying on the presence of the aforementioned
early modern pronouns. In the first pass, a New
York Times source text will be classified as too distinct
from the Shakespeare corpus based on the pronoun test.
After running a transformation that converts the modern
pronouns to their early modern equivalents, the system
now will classify the New York Times text as Shakespearian.
However, we know by human inspection that
the source text is far from Shakespearian. This prompts
an investigation leading to identification of more distinguishing
features of the Shakespearian text that can
be extracted and evaluated in the classification process.
In essence an expert detected failure is a failure of style
specification and it can prompt us to find better markers.
This example was trivial because we would never
begin with such a limited set of style markers for classification.
We envision at least dozens if not hundreds
of markers that we can begin with as the initial set. But
the problem is essentially the same. Even with hundreds
of markers, the system at some point could misclassify
a piece of text that is clearly not (yet) of the target style.
At this point, it may not be so easy to come up with additional
markers yet we know that such markers must
exist or else we would not be detecting a misclassification.
Going through the CT loop is an organic way to
verify the validity of the transformation process and to
prompt investigations of ever-more sophisticated markers
and transformers. The added advantage here is that
each marker and transformer is now available for future
transformation exercises. Thus we are strengthening the
system as a whole rather than fine-tuning a specific instance
of style to style transformation.
A measure of automatic statistical evaluation is already
built in to the system at its core. For previous papers,
we showed a declining statistical distance curve between
detected styles of the source text and target corpora signifying
a move in the desired direction. But the nature
of this project demands expert human qualitative evaluation
at several levels. First, we must verify the correctness
and applicability of individual operators. If necessary,
we can add additional constraints or evaluations
to maximize correctness of the operators. We will have
to aim for the broadest possible scope for the operators,
while at the same time preserving the grammatical correctness
state of the transformed text. Second, post application
of operators, we must verify the correctness/coherence
of the entire document as whole. Most operators
will operate at the sentence level. However, unforeseen
cumulative effects are likely. Thus we plan on periodic
corpus transformation samples to be evaluated by human
experts. We believe for every mismatch, we can add
one or more markers to act as discriminators between
the misclassified text and the target style. Over time, we
can track diminishing levels of corrections conducted by human evaluators.
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Conference Info


ADHO - 2009

Hosted at University of Maryland, College Park

College Park, Maryland, United States

June 20, 2009 - June 25, 2009

176 works by 303 authors indexed

Series: ADHO (4)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None