Handling Glyph Variants: Issues and Developments

  1. 1. Deborah Winthrop Anderson

    Department of Linguistics - University of California Berkeley

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Handling Glyph Variants: Issues and Developments
Anderson, Deborah, dwanders@sonic.net Department of Linguistics, UC Berkeley,
The challenge of how to handle glyph variants when encoding text has long been a dilemma for those working with historical text materials. How can a digital humanist specify a particular glyph of a Unicode character, even if the glyph might be known to be an error? Is it possible to search for the character, and find instances of the “error” glyphs?

This short paper addresses issues involving glyph variants, in light of recent developments within the world of Unicode and W3C standardization, as well as OpenType specifications (also an ISO standard). The different options for handling glyph variants will also be explored in view of sustainability, and viewed from the general perspective of the Unicode character encoding standard, with particular discussion of Unicode variation sequences.

One option available to text encoders is to use the “gaiji” module, a mark-up mechanism described in TEI P5 which offers a means to represent and distinguish specific characters and glyphs that the Unicode Standard considers as identical (TEI Consortium, 2010).

Font-Based Option
Another possibility is to request users view the text with a particular font, one that contains the appropriate shape of the glyph(s). However, this is dependent upon the user having a particular font installed.

Two recent developments affect this option:

A working group of W3C is developing a specification for “WebFonts,” which will enable the automatic downloading and temporary installment of fonts over the Web, so users don’t need to install fonts on their operating systems. WebFonts is expected to be more widely deployed in the future; a public working draft was published in late July 2010 (W3C, 2010). This would apply to viewing text on Web browsers, and does not currently extend to word processing documents. (Note: W3C also is refining the CSS3 fonts module.)
A second development is the OpenType (OT) specification, which permits alternate glyphs to be selected and displayed (Microsoft Typography, 2008a). One drawback is that the person viewing the document must be using an application that supports these OT features in order for the specific alternate glyphs to appear. If the application does not support this OpenType feature, the default glyph for the Unicode character will appear. For example, the original author may have selected the shape “β” for U+03B2 GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA for his Greek text, but without the OpenType feature support, the recipient’s application may display a beta in the default shape, "ß".
OpenType also includes a way to specify specific glyph shapes that are commonly used for certain language-specific letters. For example, there are specific forms of italic and cursive Serbian letters that differ from Russian, although they are the same Unicode characters. The OpenType “language system” table and “locl” (localized form) feature table are mechanisms that allow one to specify such variant glyphs. These features are activated by language tags (Microsoft Typography, 2008b). However, as noted above, OpenType support – while becoming more common - is still limited to certain applications, although it is an international standard (ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009 [OFF] [ISO, 2011]).

Encode a Separate Character
One option occasionally mentioned as a way to represent a particular variant in a standardized way is to propose the variant as a separate character in Unicode. Technically, this is not allowed, since one of the core design principles is: “Unicode encodes characters, not glyphs” (Unicode Consortium, 2011a). However, some variants have been included in Unicode if they were present in earlier standards. The character/glyph model in CJK is particularly murky, in part due to the sheer number of characters involved (approximately 75,616 characters or 69% of all graphic characters in Unicode 6.0 are CJK). For the historic East Asian character sets, such as Classical Yi, the writing systems may be poorly understood and there is a tendency to encode glyphs. As a result, some character proposals have been based on glyphs (cf. the Classical Yi proposal, which proposed 88,613 “characters” [China, 2007]). Despite this, requesting the encoding of glyph variants into Unicode (as separate characters) is not generally advisable.

Variation Sequence
A last option is to specify a Unicode variation sequence which is defined as a base character and a variation selector (Unicode Consortium, 2011b). This is a standardized means to indicate the glyphic variants of the base character. The advantage to this mechanism is that the variation is accessible in plain text, and does not rely on code points in the Private Use Area, which are not interoperable.

This particular mechanism has not yet been widely publicized amongst in the world of digital humanities. It will likely become more widely supported in software, particularly as the Japanese government will be using variation sequences to handle rare ideographs used in proper names and place names, rather than proposing 2,621 new “compatibility” characters (Japan , 2009). In 2010, the Japan National Body put forward a large collection of ideographic variation sequences, which have been under review (Unicode Consortium, 2010a).

Variation selectors have been mentioned as a way to handle variants for several historic scripts, namely Tangut and Manichaean. For Tangut, a historic script used in China until the 16c, the variation sequences were suggested as a way to handle cases where the lexical sources don’t agree (that is, there is disagreement whether a given glyph is a variant of a character or is a separate character), as a way to document when different scholarly opinions on unifications, and to address backwards compatibility issues (Cook and Lunde, 2008).

In Manichaean, the variation selectors are mentioned as a way to indicate alternate forms which are not predictable, either by their position in a word, or in a line. The use of the variation sequences maintains the basic character identity (Everson et al., 2009).

Figure 1 is an example showing the proposed shape for the Manichaean HE glyph, and the HE with Variation Selector-1. (See Figure 1)

One drawback is that the variation sequences need to be proposed and approved by the Unicode Consortium, much as new characters are (or, for ideographic sequences, are reviewed as part of the Unicode Public Review Process). However, this hurdle will ensure the characters are standardized, and are publicly accessible (Unicode Editorial Committee Members, 2011; Unicode Consortium, 2010b).

Another benefit is that search queries can ignore the variation selectors or the query can be written to only match a term with a specific variation selector. This mechanism could be useful as a way to display glyph errors, and be able to relate them to the base character. However, if a given application does not support variation sequences, the base character will display by default.

Variation sequences provide a standards-based option, which has some advantages over font-based alternatives. However, to date, relatively few variation sequences have been defined, except for those used in mathematics, Mongolian, and the historic script Phags-Pa (Unicode Editorial Committee Members, 2011).

At present, Ideographic Variation Sequences are only supported in the certain environments (Acrobat/Reader 9.0 and higher, Flash Player 10 and higher, InDesign CS4 and higher, Mac OS X 10.6 and higher, Windows 7 and higher, and Firefox 4 on all platforms [Lunde, 2011]). The dependency on limited implementations can pose a problem for digital humanists, however, if future software fails to support these variation sequences.

In sum, several alternatives are available to text encoders to specify variant glyphs in text at present. This paper has provided new information on different options, which are still developing and may become more widely adopted, affecting choices available to text encoders.

This author cautiously recommends the use of Variation Selectors if the glyph difference needs to be captured in plain-text, and the digital encoder is willing to go through the approval process to get the variation sequence approved by the standards committees.

This work was supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the Universal Scripts Project [#PW-50441].

Figure 1: Manichaean HE glyph, and the HE with Variation Selector-1

Full Size Image

China [National Body]. Preliminary Proposal to Encode Classical Yi Characters. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 – ISO/IEC 10646 UCS 2007 (link) 14 March 2011

Cook Richard Ken Lunde The UCS Tangut Repertory. 2008 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 – ISO/IEC 10646 UCS. (link) 14 March 2011

Everson, Michael Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst Roozbeh Pournader Revised proposal for encoding the Manichaean script in the SMP of the UCS. 2009 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 – ISO/IEC 10646 UCS. (link) 14 March 2011

International Organization for Standardization [ISO] 2009 ISO/IEC 14496-22:2009 (link) 14 March 2011.

Japan [National Body] 2009 Follow-up on N3530 (Compatibility Ideographs for Government Use) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 – ISO/IEC 10646 UCS (link) 14 March 2011

Lunde, Ken 2011 E-mail to Deborah Anderson, 10 March.

Microsoft Typography. 2008a Developer Info, OpenType specification, OpenType Layout tag registry: Registered features: Tag: ‘cv01’ – ‘cv99’. (link) 14 March 2011

Microsoft Typography. 2008b Developer Info, OpenType specification, OpenType Layout tag registry: Registered features: Tag: ‘locl’. (link) 14 March 2011

TEI Consortium, eds. 2010 ‘5. Representation of Non-standard Characters and Glyphs.’ In: TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange.Version 1.9.1. (link) 14 March 2011

Unicode Consortium 2010a PRI 167: Combined registration of the Hanyo-Denshi collection and of sequences in that collection. (link) 14 March 2011

Unicode Consortium 2010b Ideographic Variation Database. (link) 14 March 2011

Unicode Consortium 2011a “‘Chapter 2: General Structure.’, ” Allen, Julie D., et al. The Unicode Standard Version 6.0 – Core Specification., Unicode Consortium Mountain View (link) 14 March 2011

Unicode Consortium 2011b “‘Chapter 16: Special Areas and Format Characters.’, ” In: Allen, Julie D., et al. The Unicode Standard Version 6.0 – Core Specification. Mountain View: Unicode Consortium, (link) 14 March 2011

Unicode Editorial Committee Members. 2011 Standardized Variants. Revision 6.0.0. (link) 14 March 2011

W3C 2010 Fonts on the Web. (link) 14 March 2011

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Conference Info


ADHO - 2011
"Big Tent Digital Humanities"

Hosted at Stanford University

Stanford, California, United States

June 19, 2011 - June 22, 2011

151 works by 361 authors indexed

XML available from https://github.com/elliewix/DHAnalysis (still needs to be added)

Conference website: https://dh2011.stanford.edu/

Series: ADHO (6)

Organizers: ADHO

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None