Human-machine communication by voice (A multimedia tutorial for linguists and engineers)

  1. 1. Magdolna Kovács

    Department of General and Applied Liniguistics - Debreceni Egyetem (University of Debrecen) (Lajos Kossuth University)

  2. 2. Péter Nikléczy

    Kempelen Farkas Speech Research Laboratory

  3. 3. Gábor Olaszy

    Kempelen Farkas Speech Research Laboratory

Work text
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Human-machine communication by voice (A multimedia
tutorial for linguists and engineers)

Department of General and Applied Liniguistics, Debrecen University


Kempelen Farkas Speech Research Laboratory


Kempelen Farkas Speech Research Laboratory


University of Tübingen







1. Introduction
Human-machine communication by voice is one of the most dynamically
developing fields in information technology. Since human speech in its oral
form is the most natural and compact means for communication, it should be
used for information exchange in any technical innovation, new technology,
as widely as possible. Speech technology is inevitably gaining greater and
greater importance in computing.
Speech technology is a relatively new field in applied science, and it is
strongly interdisciplinary. It integrates both human and engineering
sciences such as theoretical and applied linguistics, acoustic phonetics,
physiology, mathematics, software engineering, database handling. Although
for several years it has been widely recognized, that for success, it is
essential to combine these disciplines in education, it is still hardly
reflected in higher education curricula [1]. The reason is obvious: it is an
essential but a painfully hard task to build the bridges between the various
disciplines involved in speech technology, to show its basis in its all
In support of, or, instead of interdisciplinary curricula, special subject
oriented courseware should be offered to the students. Multimedia tutorials
are, undoubtedly, the most suitable teaching aids in speech communication
sciences and for several reasons. Multimedia in this case does not simple
offer novel ways of presenting unfamiliar material but it suits best both
the nature of human speech itself and the technical requirements of the
subject; it provides tools for experiments, creative, problem-solving
learning; for the development of necessary skills in e.g. labeling speech,
reading spectrograms and it offers extensive resources for ear- training.
For the past few years a number of computer assisted learning systems have
been developed in the field, the variety of which demonstrates the range of
the topics covered, the anticipated knowledge and utilization of interactive
elements [1, 2].
In this paper we will introduce a new multimedia tutorial "Speech technology
for Hungarian" and highlight some of the methodological and technical
problems associated with the development of multimedia applications in
speech communication sciences.

2. Outlines of the content
The multimedia tutorial introduces main features of speech technology.
"Speech technology for Hungarian" summaries a kind of knowledge that is not
taught as a complex course in Hungarian higher education institutions and
presents it in a form suited for independent self- instruction by students.
The objective of the tutorial is to provide a starting point for improving
the training of future Hungarian linguists and speech technologists. For
linguistics students it can help to turn from traditional articulatory
phonetics towards state-of-the-art speech science and prepare them to solve
important issues in the practical application of speech. For engineers it
provides the linguistic basis for speech science, the lack of which explains
the low quality of some existing applications.
The tutorial consists of seven units: 1. Anatomy and physiology of speech
production and hearing; 2. Physics of sound; 3. Speech acoustics; 4. The
Hungarian speech; 5. Speech synthesis; 6. Speech recognition by machine; 7.
Digital speech processing, and provides a glossary of terms and an annotated
reference list of relevant literature for the past five years. To tailor the
content material to the target users we decided not to deal in detail with
the underlying mathematics of signal processing, Unit 7 outlines only the
main and most widely used digital speech processing techniques such as FFT,
LPC, PSOLA, HMM. At the same time, the tutorial pays special attention to
language specific issues. So, for example, Unit 4 offers a collection of
extensive articulatory and acoustic data on the segmental and suprasegmental
building elements as well as thorough description of rules for the Hungarian
language; in Unit 6 separate parts deal with the definition of language
dependent rule sets for duration modelling, for the adjustment of correct
intensity values in the case of each soun and for the modelling of the
structure of the fundamental frequency changes in time (sound, syllable,
word, phrase, sentence and text level). Each unit ends with exercises for

3. Technical Issues
One of the first main questions that arises is the selection of the
developing tool. In spite of the fact that the audio capabilities of early
versions Java were quite restricted, Web-browser executable Java softwares
have rapidly gain ground in speech science CAL-systems for their platform
independence and computational capabilities. Before Java 1.3 one did not
have speech input capability; audio playback was restricted to a-low or
mu-low coded 8 bit quality, what is certainly unsuitable for a course about
the understanding of the real nature of the sound. With sound handling
becoming much more versatile in Java 1.3, we decided to implement the
tutorial using relatively cost-saving and platform-independent tools:
standard HTML including Java 1.3 and other plug-ins - Flash 5.0 and
QuickTime 5.0 for animations and video elements.

4. An Example
For demonstration, let us quote the tutorial material on speeding up and
slowing down the tempo of speech signal. To fit into the time-limits of a TV
or radio commercial or for psychological experiments the artificial
manipulation of speech tempo has to be implemented without changing pitch
and distorting the quality of the sound. The basic technical issues in
speech processing are the determination of cutting or pasting periods, short
segments of sounds. The question is what stretches of the signal to choose
to minimize the distortion. There are different solutions to this problem,
most of them based on mathematical methods applied uniformly to the speech
signal. The tutorial material leads the student through the steps of working
out an algorithm that accounts for the acoustic structure of different sets
of sounds and the contextual changes in the formant frequencies [3]. This
algorithm fits the best the main aim of the courseware: to show how the
understanding of the nature of the sounds can be utilized in practical
applications. The section is based upon with interactive elements by the
help of which students themselves can manipulate the tempo of the speech


et al
The Landscape of Future Education in Speech
Communication Sciences: 1 Analysis, SOCRATES/ERASMUS Programme

OTS Publications



Proceedings of the ESCA/SOCRATES Tutorial and Research
Workshop on Method and Tool Innovations for Speech Science Education
(MATISSE), University College London, 16-17 April 1999.




Hangidotartamok mesterséges változtatása periódusok
kivágásával, megismétlésével
[Manipulation of sound duration by cutting and
repetition of periods]



MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet

If this content appears in violation of your intellectual property rights, or you see errors or omissions, please reach out to Scott B. Weingart to discuss removing or amending the materials.

Conference Info

In review

"New Directions in Humanities Computing"

Hosted at Universität Tübingen (University of Tubingen / Tuebingen)

Tübingen, Germany

July 23, 2002 - July 28, 2008

72 works by 136 authors indexed

Affiliations need to be double-checked.

Conference website:

Series: ALLC/EADH (29), ACH/ICCH (22), ACH/ALLC (14)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None