A Prolog System for the Automatic Generation of Bilingual Dictionaries

poster / demo / art installation
  1. 1. Jon Mills

    University of Luton

Work text
This plain text was ingested for the purpose of full-text search, not to preserve original formatting or readability. For the most complete copy, refer to the original conference program.


There are a number of systems available which are capable of producing concordances from parallel corpora (see Berber Sardinha 1996; Bonhomme & Romary 1997; St. John & Chattle 1998). Text alignment is usually carried out at either the rank of sentence or the rank of paragraph. As a result, concordances do not specifically identify translation equivalents of the particular lexemes under investigation. Only entire sentences which provide the context for the translation equivalents are given. Lemmatisation is usually achieved by entering all the variant forms for the lexeme under investigation. However this method achieves only partial lemmatisation as it is also necessary to disambiguate homographs. Use of wildcards to implement a fuzzy search for a particular lexeme frequently finds words which are not part of the paradigm under investigation. Post-editing of lemmatised concordances is, thus, usually necessary in order to remove unwanted items that are not part of the paradigm under investigation.

Existing tools for working with parallel corpora therefore seem to lack two things: firstly the means to uniquely identify lexemes, and secondly the means to identify those items which share translation equivalence in a bitext. These problems are interrelated since it is between lexemes (rather than graphical words) of a language pair that equivalence tends to exist. In order to solve these problems, firstly the system must be able to find and retrieve any given segment of text; secondly the bitext must be fully lemmatised; and thirdly the bitext must be aligned at the rank of lexical item.

Critical Tokenisation

A token is a segment that corresponds to a particular linguistic unit on the scale of rank. For the purposes of lexicography, we are usually concerned with tokens at the ranks of morpheme, word and multiword lexeme. Such tokens correspond to lexical items, and I shall call these lexical tokens. So the set of all tokens in a text is a subset of the set of all possible segments in that text.

Mills (1998) describes how critical tokenisation may serve as a basis for the construction of text databases in Prolog. It is necessary to represent a text in such a way that both individual tokens and individual types can be identified. Segments and points form a basis for tokenisation. A critical point in a text is that which delimits two adjacent segments. Conversely a critical segment is that which is delimited by two points in the text. Segments are, thus, located in time and space. Segments can be observed, pointed to and given unique names. Segments and strings are not the same. Segments are instances of strings. Two segments may be instances of the same string. Segments may, thus, correspond to tokens, whereas strings correspond to types. Tokenisation is achieved by numbering the critical points that delimit tokens in the text. The text is converted to a Prolog text database in which each token is represented by a three place predicate. The first and second arguments are the critical points which delimit the token. The third argument is the word type of which the token is an instance.

type((35, 36), 'I' ).

type((36, 37), am ).

type((37, 38), a ).

type((38, 39), poor ).

type((39, 40), fisherman ).

Various types of search may be conducted on the text database. For example, if one wants to know what word type is found between critical points 36 and 37, one sets the goal,

?- type((36,37),T).

The system returns

T = am

Conversely, if one wants to know in what text positions the word type 'am' is found, one sets the goal,

?- type((X,Y),am).

The system returns,

X = 36

Y = 37

If one wants the phrase found between critical points 35 and 40, one sets the goal,

?- get_segment((35,40),Segment).

The system returns,

Segment = [I, am, a, poor, fisherman] .

This system thus provides the requirement of being able to find and retrieve any given segment of



Lexical items are selected from the corpus on which the dictionary is based whilst simultaneously the dictionary provides information concerning the lemmatisation of the corpus. The processes of dictionary lemmatisation and corpus lemmatisation are, therefore, interdependant. An ideal system for corpus lexicography is one in which the corpus database and the dictionary are interactive. Mills (1999) shows how a logical approach to the lemmatisation of computational lexica may be implemented in Prolog. The counterpart of a Prolog dictionary is the lemmatised Prolog text database.

For the purposes of corpus lemmatisation, the lemma should ideally uniquely identify the lexical item. Part of speech tagging goes some way towards this. Tagging with the baseform further disambiguates the item. Clauses are added to the Prolog text database to represent lemmatisation. VOLTA (Mills 1995) is a program that lemmatises a corpus by relating word tokens as they are encountered in the corpus to a lexicon that has capacity to expand as new items are are added. The phrase, "I am a poor fisherman", is lemmatised thus:

lemma( (35, 36), ('I', pron) ).

lemma( (36, 37), (be, v) ).

lemma( (37, 38), (a, art) ).

lemma( (38, 39), (poor, adj) ).

lemma( (39, 40), (fisherman, n) ).

The tokenisation and lemmatisation of the Cornish translation of this English phrase is as follows.

type( (29, 30), thearra ).

type( (30, 31), vee ).

type( (31, 32), dean ).

type( (32, 33), bodjack ).

type( (33, 34), an ).

type( (34, 35), puscas ).

lemma( (29, 30), (bones, v) ).

lemma( (30, 31), (vy,

pron) ).

lemma( (31, 32), (den, n) ).

lemma( (32, 33), (boghosek, adj) ).

lemma( (33, 34), (an, art) ).

lemma( (34, 35), (pysk, n) ).

lemma( (31, 35), ('den an puskes', n) ).

Within the bitext, the English word FISHERMAN is translated by the Cornish multiword lexeme DEN AN PUSKES (literally DEN = a man, AN = of the, PUSKES = fishes). The system is very flexible. Not only can the multi-word lexeme, DEN AN PUSKES, be lemmatised as a single lexical item but its component lexemes DEN, AN and PYSK may be simultaneously individually lemmatised. The appearance of the lexeme, PYSK, in its plural form, puskes, within the multiword lexeme, DEN AN PUSKES, does not present a problem to the system. Nor does it present a problem that, due to interruption by the lexeme, BOGHOSEK, the multiword lexeme, DEN AN PUSKES, is, in this instance, discontinuous.

The lemma database thus records that the segment between critical points 31 and 35 contains five lexemes: DEN between points 31 and 32, BOGHOSEK between points 32 and 33, AN between points 33 and 34, PYSK between points 34 and 35, and the multiword lexeme DEN AN PUSKES between points 31 and 35.


Equivalence exists between the lexical units of a bitext rather than its word types. For this reason alignment takes place between lexical tokens rather than graphic word tokens. Equivalents may be entered into the system as 2 place predicates in which the first argument specifies the critical points that bound the Cornish lexical unit, whilst the second argument specifies the critical points that bound the lexical unit which

is its English translation.

equivalent( (29,30), (36,37) ).

equivalent( (30,31), (35,36) ).

equivalent( (31,35), (39,40) ).

Thus the Cornish lexeme, BONES, found at token (29, 30), is translated by the English lexeme, BE, found at token (36, 37). Similarly the Cornish lexeme, VY, found at token (30, 31), is translated by the English lexeme, I, found at token (35, 36). And the Cornish multiword lexeme, DEN AN PUSKES, found at token (31, 35), is translated by the English single lexeme, FISHERMAN, found at token (39, 40).

It is important to note that this alignment refers to the lexemes listed in the lemma database and does not refer to the types listed in the original tokenisation. If it did, then the English type, "fisherman", found at token (39, 40), would be the translation of the Cornish phrase, "dean bodjack an puscas", found at token (31, 35), which is not the case. "Dean bodjack an puscas" translates into English as a "poor fisherman".

A number of predicates are defined which enable the corpus to be used as a dictionary. For example, the predicate, gloss_lemma/2, finds the English gloss for a Cornish item or vice versa. The predicate, entry/1, displays the full dictionary entry for the requested item.


The system is able to retrieve any given segment of text, and uniquely identifies lexemes and the equivalences that exist between the lexical items in a bitext. Furthermore the system is able to cope with discontinuous multiword lexemes. The system is thus able to find glosses for individual lexical items or to produce longer lexical entries which include part-of-speech, glosses and example sentences from the corpus. Insofar as the system is able to identify specific translation equivalents in the bitext, the system provides a much more powerful research tool than existing concordancers such as ParaConc, WordSmith, XCorpus and Multiconcord. The system is able to automatically generate a bilingual dictionary which can be exported and used as the basis for a paper dictionary. Alternatively the system can be used directly as an electronic bilingual dictionary.


Barlow, Michael (1995) "A Guide to ParaConc" Available http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~barlow/pc.html .

Berber Sardinha, A. P. (1996) "Review: WordSmith Tools" Computers & Texts No. 12 p. 19. ISSN 0963-1763.

Bonhomme, Patrice & Laurent Romary (1997) XCORPUS - Version 0.2: A Corpus Toolkit Environment: User Manual Available: http://www.loria.fr/projets/XCorpus/manual/ .

Mills, Jon (1995) "Computer Assisted Lemmatisation of a Diachronic Corpus of Cornish" Proceedings of TCIPA II, University of Luton, 7 July 1995. pp. 9.1-9.16.

Mills, Jon (1998) "Lexicon Based Critical Tokenisation: An Algorithm" Actes EURALEX'98 Proceedings: Papers Submitted to the Eighth EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Liège, Belgium Liège: University of Liège, English and Dutch Departments. pp. 213-220.

Mills, Jon (1999) "A Logical Approach to the Lemmatisation of Computational Lexica" Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Social Communication, Santiago de Cuba, 25-28 January 1998 . pp. 598-605.

St. John, Elke & Marc Chattle (1998) "Review of Multiconcord: The Lingua Multilingual Parallel Concordancer for Windows" ReCALL Newsletter No 13, March 98 . ISSN 1353-1921.

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Conference Info

In review


Hosted at University of Glasgow

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

July 21, 2000 - July 25, 2000

104 works by 187 authors indexed

Affiliations need to be double-checked.

Conference website: https://web.archive.org/web/20190421230852/https://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/allcach2k/

Series: ALLC/EADH (27), ACH/ICCH (20), ACH/ALLC (12)

Organizers: ACH, ALLC

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None