A hierarchic approach to modeling of an MT-database and knowledge representation

  1. 1. R. Piotrowski

    Hertsen Institute of Paedagogy

  2. 2. H. Shingareva

    Hertsen Institute of Paedagogy

  3. 3. S. Sokolova

    Hertsen Institute of Paedagogy

  4. 4. A. Serebrjakov

    Hertsen Institute of Paedagogy

Conference Info


ACH/ICCH - 1987

Hosted at University of South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina, United States

April 9, 1987 - April 12, 1987

119 works by 136 authors indexed

Scott Weingart has paper conference program, still needs to be scanned and entered.

Series: ACH/ICCH (8)

Organizers: ACH

  • Keywords: None
  • Language: English
  • Topics: None